Friday, June 11, 2010

The Next Morning

Wednesday morning we went to a park that had a small water feature to the side. We went for that water feature and, wouldn't you know, the water feature was broken. It was rather sad watching all the families show up to the park, children in swim suits running to the water pad, just to push a button to find out nothing was happening. Our children moped around a bit begging for food, even though they had just eaten, and complaining that they were bored. Well, they finally realized it was either play or leave for our long drive home, they came up with something to do. They began filling up water bottles with water from the water fountain. Then they would pour it on the slide: a water slide! For a while it was just the three of the older children sliding down the slide and landing in a small puddle. By the time we left there was a line of children by the water fountain all waiting their turn to fill up their bottles, and children were flying off the slide by three or four feet. Kaeley actually complained when we had to get in the car again and start our way back home.
Oh, and Alynna. She hung out with Christy a lot, because the whining and pestering isn't really my cup of tea, and Christy had a package of Oreos. The stroller of three babies belonged to a mom who had what looked like a two or three month old and twins that were probably somewhere a year old. Alynna loves babies, so she was in heaven going right down the line playing peekaboo. It was a riot watching her love on these babies. Mysteriously, however, the mother left after about fifteen minutes. We must have chased her away.

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