Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If Only I Had a Camera for You Today

Today I walked into the girls room to wake up Alynna from her nap. Alynna was already up and walking around. I knew in one whiff that there was a serious problem brewing somewhere. I didn't see anything drastic by a quick look around, so I walked Alynna into the bathroom, sat down in front of her, and thereby recognized the problem. There was poop on her clothes, on her legs, on her hands, and in her fingernails. The girl has a habit of sticking her hands in the back of her diaper like it's a pocket, hence the mess.
Sigh. Goodness, I don't know what went on behind that closed door, but let me tell you that it was ugly! After Alynna took a bath, against her will I must say, I went back into the bedroom and it still smelled bad. I checked her bed. Nothing. Thank goodness.
I turned around and there it was... poop on a doll house. Whew! Another first after having three children. So I found another use for our long-hosed shower head. I sprayed the heck out of that thing, hosed it down, then learned that an old toothbrush is a great way to get poop out of the banisters.
There was poop on a stuffed animal, a little on the rag rug, and some on a board book.
There are times in my recent life when I am not complaining, while I would rather be doing something else, but I look around and I think, "How did I get here?"
I have the thought when I clean poop off the banister of a doll house, when I lay on the floor feeling sick and almost get stepped on by little bare feet, and when I am cuddling in my bed with who ever broke protocol on a Saturday morning and my husband.
I wonder, "How did I get here?" But my heart is warm.

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