Saturday, July 24, 2010

The OC Fair

As I like to say, another year, another trip to the Orange County Fair. Nathan was quite confused. For some reason he thought we were going to the movie theater. Don't ask me where he got that notion from. You should have heard him when we first got there! "Hey, dat not the movie deeter! What dat? Why we here?" Then he got very excited when we finally entered the grounds and we went into the farm area. "We see lions and tigers?" Remember that he screams when he's excited. "We see dinosaurs?" He nearly talked my ears off with excitement about all he saw.
Alynna said her sweet hello to all the animals.
We met up with my parents later. They treated the kids to a slew of carnival rides. We saw a circus show, a 3D movie, the garden, potters, glass blowers, went "shopping", oohed and awed over the hobbies, and spent some time in the petting zoo.
The petting zoo was fun. The animals were the most active I've ever seen at a petting zoo. It was wonderful to see the animals fawning all over themselves to get to the food instead of lazing around and hiding from us big folk. It was lovely fun. Alynna liked them from a distance. I found Nathan talking with a man about an animal and ended up crawling right now his lap! I wanted to tell the man not to worry: my young boy did have an involved father.
I love watching Kaeley at these type of zoos. She always treats the animals with slow care and attention. She only feeds the animals that are not begging for food. She shuns those that push in front of others to get at the food.
It was a very wonderful day. We all went home bushed and thoroughly satisfied with life.
The things I did miss out on include funnel cake, curly fries with chili, artichoke, and an ice cream cone. Sigh. Life is just so flawed.

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