Saturday, July 24, 2010

Now I Get It

When I was young my mom loved sewing. She made me adorable outfits when I was a toddler, sewed my first Bible cover without a pattern, and was always working on something. However, she was never working on the Barbie outfits that I wanted her to make. I never did get it. She had the pattern, the machine, the fabric, and the talent. I think she sewed an outfit for one of my trolls and a beautiful mermaid costume.
Well, I inherited that pattern last week. I made the shown outfit. All I can say is now I get it. That jacket was the dickens to sew! And the skirt was actually supposed to have folds instead of the gathers. Yikes. I thought I could knock this project out in an hour or two. Instead it took me two full sittings.
Stupid jacket. Everything was so tiny.
I was not to deterred. I took the challenge placed before me and sewed a tiny hooded Tshirt, which turned out pretty nice, and a tiny pair of jean pants. Now all of look at Barbie was the perfect body. She has a cute little behind, a nice skinny waist, and, despite the shown doll, great hair. Let me set your mind at ease... I had to work at putting the jeans around those hips of hers! I had to ease them on little by little with a pair of tweezers!
Kaeley was pleased with the little outfit I made today. I didn't tell her those pants were probably going to be staying on the Barbie whether she liked them or not.

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