Monday, July 5, 2010

Torrance Park

The other day we had a very late start to the morning. By the time I had finished a small amount of "school" it was half an hour before lunch. Kaeley begged to go to the park. I didn't really want to go to the park, so I tried to deter her by saying that if we wanted to go we would have to make a picnic lunch and bring the blanket and blah blah blah. Well, she was sold.
We ended up staying at the playground for two hours! All the kids had a good time. Alynna did have a temper tantrum about something. She threw herself on the picnic blanket, screamed, and kicked until she accidentally kicked her shoes off, and by the time she was done I chuckled in the fact that I couldn't remember why she had started the tantrum in the first place. Later she was very happy, because I pushed her in the swing. I timed it... thirty minutes! Then she played with Nathan and Kaeley for a good while.
I couldn't believe it! I actually had time to read at the playground!

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