Monday, August 23, 2010


This morning, on the spur of the moment, we decided to go to Disneyland.
We strategically packed for the fountains and made our quick get away. It worked out great! I got the best parking spot I've ever gotten during our whole relationship with the massive parking structure. I was able to use just a backpack and the umbrella stroller, so I didn't feel like a pack mule. The kids played in the water for about an hour. The weather was great and the water area, at that time, wasn't too crowded. It was Kaeley's idea to bring the umbrellas, so all three children
had to each have an umbrella. Of course we came how with two umbrellas. Kaeley forgot hers somewhere, which is quite typical of her. They spent most of their time catching water in their umbrellas like buckets and making dome like structures out of the three tents, placing them in the way of a fountain, and then sitting in their protected area.
After water a few rides, a picnic lunch, lots of walking in the heat, and then home.

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