Thursday, August 19, 2010

Easy Skillet Lasagna

Search FamilyFun for "Easy Skillet Lasagna". It's very yummy, easy to make, and a crowd pleaser for all... even those who don't like zucchini, but sshhh, don't tell Kaeley that!
Now I highly recommend it, but watch out. This recipe almost killed my kitchen! I picked my largest skillet and I ended up having to use a baster to suck out the liquid that was spilling over the brim. My stove top was filled with red liquid and melted cheese. That was a mess! Next time I'm seriously using a dutch oven! :)
After the pot sat on a cool oven burner for about ten minutes I took the pot to the sink just in case it overflowed again. With a bowl in one hand and the spoon heaping with lasagna in the other hand I plopped the food into the bowl. Well, it was close to the bowl. It somehow landed on my thumb. I didn't just gasp with surprise. The temperature of the food was hot enough for me to drop everything with a great moan of pain. Now last time I burned myself in the kitchen I used cold water, ice packs, lots of neosporin, and then gauzed it. The next day I read that was a bad idea for burns. I guess for mild burns you're supposed to let them air out after you've used lukewarm water. I have a friend who works in the burn unit of a hospital, so I might be getting corrected on this soon. :) Now I'm all self-conscience. I thought about what I was supposed to do while I had my thumb under freezing cold water and then I transferred to an ice pack. It hurt so bad.
Not only that, but once I decided my hand wasn't falling off any time soon I might as well serve the rest of the lasagna into bowls. I picked up the spoon and ended up hitting the white curtains with the dirty spoon. Sigh. What a mess.
So, chef, beware!

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