Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fisherman Wharf

Our first site seeing extravaganza was the Fishermen's Wharf. I don't know... is it one man? Fisherman Wharf? I don't know, I was too busy with children to stop and read signs.
The highlight of the day must have been when we were watching the super stinky sea lions by the shore. There were dozens of these funny creatures. They were smelly and made lots of noises that sounded like they were burping. Maybe they were all males. Who knows?
So we're watching the sea lions and Alynna is very intrigued with them. She makes barking sounds like they are. She points to them. She asks questions about them. Then she decides to say hello. Have I been on record saying that Alynna is by far the messiest and loudest child I have ever had? I mean, I've had a boy and still didn't experience certain nightmares until our little lamb came along. So, she decides to say hello to this herd of sea lions. She thrusts her hand into the air, waves it, and squeals a loud, "Hiiiiii!" It hit such a decibel that three quarters of the sea lions jerk their heads into the air, start discussing the threat level to one another, and then decide that is high enough to scramble into the water! Yes, that's right, folks, our two year old girl is loud enough to scare off a herd of sea lions. Kaeley and Brad were laughing hysterically! Alynna was wondering where she went wrong. Nathan was standing back a bit with his hands over his ears. I thought it was a coincident, but it happened twice! Leave it my kids.
Another highlight was having clam chowder in a bread bowl for dinner. The last time we came here for vacation I was early pregnant with Nathan and experience the joys of indigestion that I usually experience in those early months, so I didn't want to touch a cream soup with a ten foot pole! After three years of lamenting the fact that we had Denny's for dinner instead of a signature dish, which I usually love eating, we decided that under no circumstances were we going to pass up another chance. We all shared two bowls of clam chowder and two dishes of fish and chips. It sounded quaint, what can I say?
After dinner I decided to play the "best parent in the world" and buy them all those beautiful unicorn horn lollipops that all children want some time in their life.
We truly lived it up!
Traveling with Kids Tips:
1. Know that your diet is being put on hold. What you're consuming in calories is probably being balanced by stress of traveling with children.
2. Don't forget the bib for the baby! Lollipops will getcha every time!

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