Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monterey Bay

We are currently on vacation in the beautiful and chilly Monetery, California. We left on Monday morning after breakfast and will be making our way home on Thursday. Thanks to the generosity of a friend of my dad's we inherited a laptop, which is why I'm able to update while "on site". :) The kids are in bed as I type and Brad and I are waiting for them to fall asleep so he and I can watch our movie and have some very, very quiet adult time. It's much needed, because these kids of ours are loud!
Monday's road trip went pretty smoothly. The pictures were taken from a park I read about in the Los Angeles Times. It was made out to be a gem of playgrounds in Pismo Beach, which kids and adults would both love. Well, it was quite funny. This playground was on our way to Monterey, so planned on eating our picnic lunch there. Considering I read about the playground in the newspaper, I was expecting a huge and elaborate playground. We drove up to a spot of sand that was smaller than our local town playground. It was equipped with two baby swings, a tire swing, and some large animal structures. That was it. It certainly wasn't what Brad and I were expecting, but it was great to get out and stretch the legs after four hours of driving. The kids enjoyed it a lot.
After lunch we walked the shore a small bit and then climbed into the car for the last three hours.
Traveling with Kids Tips:
1. Have a small box full of goodies personalized for each kids. Example: small plastic animals, coloring books and new crayons, plastic super heroes for the baby, etc.
2. Have lots of candy on hand to throw at the wild animals... I mean children when they get antsy or just loud. Lollipops are great. They have to have three before they hit 70 calories. An absolute must. Don't forget a bib for the baby.

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