Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Tuesday was spent at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We enjoyed ourselves, but it was like spending a day at Disneyland. It was exhaustingly fun, especially after a

super poor night sleep. Alynna was able to take a short nap with me after much whining on her part. Nathan was especially in heaven. There were places to run, odd things

to see, things to touch. Their favorite part was probably the aquarium’s awesome children’s play area. Our goal was to eat dinner at Cannery Row, but that meant we had to spend the entire day at the aquarium. We did a pretty good job of it, I must say. After leaving the aquarium we walked down Cannery Row with some very tired children. We finally decided on Bubba Gump’s for dinner. The picture of Alynna happily eating her dinner was pretty much the only time she was in a happy mood. She was just done! She whine and cried through almost the entire dinner! Thankfully it was rather loud outside, so after doing our best to accommodate her we apologized for losing our sympathy and continued eating our own dinner. After the horrible night’s sleep that all of us had and us parents noticing more coughing from the kids during the day, we stopped by the drug store for some cold medicine for the children. Ah, it worked like a charm. The coug

h suppressant in the medicine and a night after four hours of sleep turned out to be a heaven-sent night for all of us. The children slept for a good eleven hours without a hitch!

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