Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pacific Grove Natural History Museum

Wednesday morning we went to the little gem Pacific Grove Natural History Museum. It was just about the smallest museum I had even set foot in, but it was great. Our local museum is so large the kids rush through and lose interest. This small museum kept the children interested… and then it ended. Nathan was fascinated by all the stuffed animals and Kaeley, for the first time, took a great interest in how the curators found all the animals and what did they do to them to make them look like they did. The museum charged $5.00 for the family. Plus, the area didn’t charge for parking. Whew! What a relief after the aquarium, which was about on the same lines Disneyland… almost.

There was a very small garden of native flowers out back. It was heart warming to see the children sit down in a plot of pebbles and pretend away. Brad and I were ready for a hot lunch, but if we hadn’t dragged them away they probably would have stayed there happily for another half hour… with a bunch of rocks.

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