Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beach Day

Today several of my friends were meeting at the beach. I was looking forward to the fellowship with other Christian moms and playtime for the children. I, however, went to the wrong beach. As you can see, the kids had a great time anyway. Well, Kaeley and Nathan did. Alynna wouldn't stop begging me for food or asking to go home. She would sporadically get up, play for five minutes, and then come back to ask for more food. Kaeley could have stayed for hours on end collecting sea kelp, challenging the ocean and then running away from a crashing wave screaming with pleasure, and doing I don't know what with her sand-something-or-other. She had a great time.
I had a pleasant time. If I had known about my mistake ahead of time I would have been very happy with a book, but I sat for two hours watching the children and playing with my feet. I was beginning to think that my dread of beach play dates was unwarranted. The kids mostly loved it, they could scream as loud as they wanted, etc. I usually hate the beach, because of all the sand we bring home. Sand in ears, hair, blankets, food, car...
A few minutes of me thinking this the sea came too close to our blanket. It totally drenched Nathan's beach blanket, which became covered in sand, and now weighed two pounds at least with all the water. We had to scrambled to our feet and move everything out of the way of the tide as fast as possible. That's when I started thinking, "I hate the beach! I hate the beach!"
However, once I calmed down about the sudden, and sandy, move it became not so bad again. Maybe we'll do it again next week. Who knows. :)

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