Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Week Without Kaeley

Tuesday morning Kaeley flew out of LAX with my parents. They were on their way to Florida to visit family and rub elbows with alligators. It's now Thursday afternoon. I'm not yet pining away for her, but I sure do miss that little girl! Things have been quite quiet without her since I don't have to homeschool, have one less mouth to feed or listen to, and I have their long nap times all to myself! I've kept busy with some housework :) and lots of sewing. Yes, I've kept busy and I've enjoyed the projects list. However, I feel as though part of my reason for being has gone. My hours of pouring into planning lesson plans, teaching larger life lessons, reading out loud, and so on is temporarily gone. It's very strange. I went from first grade structure and priorities to preschool play. It's quite odd. :)
I am enjoying the time with the two little ones. Things seem so simple with just two children. Is that wrong to say? Today Nathan chose to go to the Long Beach Aquarium. Our passes are up in middle November and I can't even remember the last time we went. The little ones had a great time running all over the place and shouting to see certain tanks that were above their heads. Nathan had to touch just about all living creatures, rocks, and filters in the touch tanks.
We came home in time for lunch, a bedtime story (which I couldn't finish due to Alynna being so darn loud), and a nap time. During nap time I started some curtains for our dining room window, but I got all turned around. I'm not used to working with large amounts of fabric. I think I wasted many-a-minute walking around a bit confused and befuddled. And after all that I still cut the fabric wrong! TWICE! Its okay. We're going to get through this! I'm determined! Stubborn? No, determined! Darn it!
In a little bit I'll wake up the sleeping beauty and beast. :) I'll throw them both in the stroller. I'll pound the pavement for a bit, even though I could let them watch TV while I clean and read... sigh... must do the right thing! Then we'll read out loud from some well-written books. Then I'll turn on the TV while I start dinner.
Tomorrow we'll do it all over again.

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