Saturday, September 18, 2010

We Are Now Los Angeles Zoo Members

Sigh. I'm so happy it's bedtime. I would have never believed kids could make so much noise! Brad is gone to our church's men's retreat. Whenever Brad is gone I try to do something special with the kids. It's more for me than it is for the kids. I want to have something to look forward to since I'm with the kids all day long all week long.
So, starting this morning we got ready to go to Kidspace. I love that place, and have been looking forward to getting a membership there for some time now and today was the day! It took quite a while to get down there due to traffic and me taking a wrong turn. We finally approached the parking lot and... it was closed to an event! I was bummed. Nathan was crying.
We decided to go to the zoo, which was fifteen minutes away. The girls were excited, but Nathan continued to cry. I ended up buying a membership pass to the zoo instead. Now I like the zoo as much as the next person, but it was not what I had been looking forward to all week. I had day dreamed about sitting, reading a book, watching the kids play in the water area. Instead we hiked all over the mountainous zoo looking for animals. All the kids enjoyed themselves. Well, mostly. Alynna wanted to walk with those little tiny legs of hers. That took forever, so I placed her in the stroller so we could at least walk to the next animal instead of looking at the plants by the side of the road. Boy, did she ever through a fit! I ended up having to strap her into her seat. Then I had a great time with the two older kids while Alynna screamed.
Long story short, we had a good time, and it did use up most of our day, but I was so tired at the end of our trip I could barely keep my eyes open. Thankfully my mom came over for about an hour and I took a nap.
I turned on a movie for the kids during dinner, but, as always, I had to turn it off because my kids don't know how to eat and watch television at the same time. I once caught Kaeley with the spoon in her mouth... and it stayed there... and it stayed there... and then I turned off the TV. Alynna made it through about half the movie before she began singing and reading books out loud and making tremendous noise. Nathan later tired of the movie, invited Sissy into his bedroom, and they spent the rest of their evening squealing with glee and laughing and running a muck! I couldn't believe how loud the evening was turning out to be!
Finally it was bedtime! Hurray! I couldn't throw them into bed fast enough.
Now here's the kicker. It's my turn. I make popcorn. I sit down on my messy couch. Sigh. I'm very relieved. I pick a Bob Hope and Lucille Ball comedy. It's a black and white movie called "The Facts of Life". I thought it would be a good old comedy about families. Bob and Lucy are having an affair! It's supposed to be a comedy. Everything goes wrong when they try to get away together, but honestly I never thought I'd see a black and white movie of the "good old days" about how to have an affair! But here I sit with my popcorn. :)

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