Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Last Hoorah

On Tuesday we all took the day off to live it up at Disneyland for the last time in quite a while.
We once again watched the Star Wars skit. Once again the kids were passed up to be Jedi apprentices. Since we were rejected by the good guys Nathan joined the dark side. He made eyes at Darth Maul enough to get a high five. Alynna didn't like this strategy. Any time a bad guy came near she would let out a very tiny and feminine scream and slap her hands over her eyes. It was priceless.
It was a good day. We ate lunch at our favorite spot, rode as many rides as we could, and finally staggered out of the park a little after five. I know, we're light weights. We had dinner out at Pat & Oscar's. Poor Alynna was so tuckered out, even though she was the one who slept the most, kept saying, "Ah home! Ah sleep!"
It's not good bye. It's just so long for now.

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