Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carving the Pumpkin

Here's a picture of our kids carving the family pumpkin. Every year Brad has them draw a picture of what they think the pumpkin should look like and then he uses that for his model or at least inspiration. Alynna's "inspiration" was more of a modern art that couldn't really be used on a jack-o-lantern. Nathan's, whose is posted above, was awesome for him, but, again, not quite feasible for a pumpkin carving. I think I'll still have to frame the face though. :) Kaeley's won out, but Brad ended up omitting the nose. Now what we've done since Kaeley was little was Brad does all the hard and yucky stuff, and while he does that the kids are kept busy coloring their own personal gourds with permanent markers. This time Alynna scribbled on her pumpkin a little bit and then decided the rest should go on her knees. She had dark blue "knee pads" for a couple of days until the ink wore off.

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