Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sicko... aka... King for a Day

Well, it's been a while, so I guess we were due for a sicko to come along. It came in the form of a 3 1/2 year old boy crying at 2:15am. I woke up to the crying so I slowly stumbled down the hallway thinking he had had a nightmare... or as he likes to call them a "nightdream". For all the crying he was doing it couldn't have been that bad, because he had climbed onto a portion of the bed like a jungle gym. I asked him why he was sleeping. He answered with a bit of an attitude, "I have to go to the bathroom and my head hurts!" He was burning up. We stripped him down and put him back to bed.
This morning he woke up very weepy. He couldn't put a sentence together due to the weeping. He kept asking me, "What wrong with my tummy?!?" I asked, "Does your tummy hurt?" "No!" he answered, "My head hurts!" Well, excuse me! :) Needless to say I didn't know what was wrong with his tummy.
So the sicko with the attitude stayed home from church today with his daddy. He's so darn cute and it's pathetic when he's sick. He's certainly not lethargic. :) We'll see how trick-o-treating goes tonight.

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