Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kaeley's Dinner

Yesterday Kaeley made dinner. She followed a Paula Deen's cookbook for kids. She made Chicken Pot Pie, Nathan made a toss salad, and Kaeley made cupcakes from scratch. We invited my parents over to dinner to make it a bit more official. I thought I'd start early and get the cupcakes out of the way. We started at 4:15pm. We finally left the kitchen at 6:45pm! I couldn't believe how slowly that girl cooks! As I saw the minutes ticking away and the cooking still poking along I had to keep urging her, "Hurry! Just do it!" It turns out she was enjoying herself so much that she did everything incredibly slowly. Ugh. It all turned out okay though. I always stand in the kitchen and clean, or something, while she cooks, because I need to read the recipe for her and make sure she gets her measurements right. I had no idea the whole process was going to take so long yesterday, so I had to fold a load of laundry in the kitchen while she made the icing for the cupcakes. Thankfully Nathan and Alynna were completely okay playing with each other. I heard lots of mewing and barking from them as they played their favorite game of cats and dogs.
The dinner turned out very yummy and Kaeley was very proud of herself. Next time we'll stick to one recipe just for the sake of Mommy's sanity... and we'll start very early!

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