Friday, October 22, 2010

Some of the Privileges of Homeschooling

My week has been a bit crazy and a lot messy! Kaeley came home Wednesday night. Thursday morning was her dentist appointment (thank you to Cindy who watched the two youngers). Friday was cleaning. Saturday was painting the kids rooms (thank you to Mom-in-Law and my parents who helped). Monday and Tuesday, I think, were just homeschooling, but the house was a mess. My parents are moving overseas on Wednesday, so while I'm blessed by the hand-me-downs they either can't ship or don't want to keep in storage, that's more to find homes for. What a mess my house was! Oh! And I'm sewing three Halloween costumes.
Thursday I was really feeling the pressure. We had an early morning doctor's appointment and the house was still a disaster. So... here's where the homeschooling comes in. Thursday's Science lesson? Going to the doctors. :) The nurse even helped Kaeley find her pulse. There. Check that off the list. Field trip. :) Math? Kaeley's making dinner tonight, with a recipe thank goodness, so we went to Target for the ingredients. "Which can is cheaper? Right. You need two of them. No, not that shirt. That's too expensive. Find one under $3.00." Check Math off the list. We had a snack at McDonald's and the kids had PE class for about an hour. I was going to have a class on cleaning the house was a team, but we stayed at McDonald's too long. Later that day I read out loud to Kaeley about a missionary doctor, so we learned all kinds of gross things about small pox and blindness and parasites.
Fridays are our usual days off, so the morning was very relaxing. I finished cleaning the worse parts of the house. Now I at least feel caught up. I finished Halloween costumes. The kids played with dolls for a nice long time and then moved on to Play-Dough.
I was looking forward to meeting friends at the park, but it was pretty cloudy out. Finally a friend called me to tell me it was official, no one was going to park. Well, of course, about fifteen minutes after she called the sun came out and has been out ever since. Oh well. Next time.
We went to the grocery store for our pumpkin and we totally splurged on a bought snack foods for lunch. The kids had a picnic set up on the living room floor to watch "Planet Earth - Caves". What's that you say? Science? Darn right! It's surely not the quiet, cozy lunch in front of the TV like I had imagined. These kids are talking my ear off!
Alynna: "Birds, Mommy! Birds! Birds!" "Yes, Alynna! Birds!" "Mommy, look it! Look it! Look it!"
Nathan: "Mommy, what's that? What's that? What he doing? What's that? Why he do that?"
Kaeley: "That's a bat, Nathan. Alynna, look at all the bat poop. Yes, Nathan, isn't that cool?"
Not sure if I should record that under public speaking or debate class.
I plan on reading out loud to Kaeley now that my house is pretty much cleaned. I want to take the kids on a bike ride later today, but watch the sun go away and the clouds threaten rain ten minutes before I take them out.

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