We didn't seem to have missed too much. The girls were just in time to run up to the stage with the rest of the children and sing Christmas carols. Nathan lay in the middle of the aisle to find the words of the song in the hymnal. He likes to pretend he can read.
The day was a nice outing to celebrate Christmas with friends and it served as a good reminder to me of why we don't currently participate in Academy Day. We got there late, Nathan and Alynna both hate having to be quiet during the opening assembly, and Nathan does not thrive in class room settings. I can't even tell you how many times it's been reported to me, or to Brad, that Nathan hit another kid in the head with a toy, wouldn't listen to the story time, would obey the teachers, and on and on it goes. I worked in his class for the second hour, so I got to see it all for myself. I finally just decided to hang out around him at all times.
Thank goodness I have a boy like Nathan to keep me grounded and humble. Goodness knows we do our best with him, but he is still his own little person with his own little fists and stubborn mule-like attitude at times. And thank goodness we homeschool. I can imagine him being labeled with all sorts of hyper-activity in school. Or, at the very least, being that kid that all teachers hope they don't get. He's such a sweet little boy in most situations... um, no class room experiences.
So, back to the party, after two hours of activity for the kids it was lunch time potluck style. We survived that and all of us moms went home for nap time. :)
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