This year I thought I'd interview her for fun.
HOW WILL YOU HAVE TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY NOW THAT YOU'RE A YEAR OLDER? I will help Mommy a lot, like cleaning up my toys and doing stuff like that.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? My favorite healthy food? WHATEVER. My favorite healthy food is... sigh... salad. WHAT ABOUT JUNK FOOD? Mommy's pizza! Mommy's pizza's my favorite junk food.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE FREE TIME? I will ask my mom if I can go to my friend's house. WHICH FRIENDS? Morgan and Riley. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THEM? Play Barbies, because they have a big house, bigger than the one I have in my room and they have more Barbies than I do.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'LL BE WHEN YOU GROWN UP? A missionary. That's most of all what I think. And since I found out that I wasn't scare of... well, the things that I was scared of when I was little are not really scaring me and now that's what my name means and I think that kind of fits in with a missionary. WHAT DOES YOUR NAME MEAN? Brave warrior... strong warrior? I think it's strong warrior. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'LL GO? Not really, but I think I want to go some where where it's snowing, because I think that will be nice to see.
DO YOU THINK YOU'LL GET MARRIED? I'm not really sure, but I might if I need someone to help me with the missionary work.
DO YOU THINK YOU'LL HAVE CHILDREN AND HOW MANY WILL YOU HAVE? Yes, I think so. I think a hundred, because that's what other missionaries have! Like Gladys Aylward... she had like a thousand children following her through the mountain!
WHY DO YOU THINK THERE IS DAY AND THEN NIGHT? Because God created it in Genesis.
WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK THAT WE READ? My favorite book that I can read is "Little Bear". And I like the missionary books... all of them. But not counting the boy missionary books, because we haven't read those yet. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE MISSIONARY SO FAR? Gladys Aylward, because it was amazing that she lead a thousand (IT'S NOT A THOUSAND, IT'S A HUNDRED), well, a hundred children over the mountain!
WHAT'S THE COOLEST NEW THING YOU LEARNED ABOUT GOD THIS YEAR? That we can't see His face, because He's so mighty and great, because if we saw God in His regular face, I think that looks like the sun, that man would die if he saw God!
WHAT DO YOU THINK GOD HAS PLANNED FOR YOU THIS YEAR? I think what God's gonna give me and I'm thinking of a great Valentine's Day, but then I'm thinking... oh! Teaching me how to be a missionary! HOW DO YOU THINK HE'LL DO THAT? I think He will do that by if my friends get in a fight I will tell them to stop and be friends. WHAT ABOUT YOU WHEN YOU FIGHT WITH NATHAN AND ALYNNA? I will stop and... what is a Bible verse that says that? Um... to obey my mom and dad, because they are the boss and because they know right and better than us. Because all children are foolish. DO YOU THINK GOD WILL DO SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU? Um... no. WHY NOT? Because, um, because I have a lot of things to be thankful for already. SO THAT'S ENOUGH? YOU'RE ALL DONE GETTING GOOD THINGS FROM GOD? Well, there's two things that I want from God, but He doesn't have to give them to me. He will give me a nice heart to my parents and my friends. And He will give me a heart like Jesus, because Jesus was a man and he had a nice heart to others. Even when they put them on a cross he was still nice.
It's so funny writing these answers down. The girl lives like a normal seven year old who fights with siblings, lies, and so on. Then you ask her questions and she sounds like the perfect child.
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