Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Great Park in Orange County

I felt like I was driving out to the boonies to get to this particular park. I was meeting friends and this park was totally free, so I figured the drive was probably worth it. It most certainly was! This place was great!

There was a free merry-go-round. The kids rode it probably over a dozen times. Simon didn't seem very impressed at first, but grew to like it as time went on.

I'm sure you could never tell by these modest pictures of Kaeley, but she's quite a ham.

You could ride a free hot air balloon four hundred feet into the air!

Here the kids learn how helpful earth worms are to gardening and composting in the park's two acre farm land. There were chickens, gardens, and worms. A kids paradise.

The only problem with this "paradise" is you weren't allowed to eat the strawberries. Obviously my obedient daughter didn't hear me tell her this several times as she happily ate her second forbidden fruit. If I'm not mistaken I think I've heard a story about this. It didn't end well.

It was discovered that Simon very much enjoys playing with balls. True BOY.

This is Nathan taking a picture.

This is me trying to take a picture of all four children. I was going to say FAIL, but technically they are all in the picture!

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