Thursday, April 12, 2012

Parents at Play

What are we so happy about? Well, my parents are awesome and they insisted that while they were in town Brad and I get a night away. I reminded my mom that our baby is torture at night, but they insisted. Well... what to do... torture my parents for a night away with the hubby or find a middle ground where I could still be tortured myself at night? Yep, you guessed it, my parents were tortured at night. However, Brad and I escaped to Long Beach for the night. What was the first thing we did? We took a nap in the ultimate silence that was our hotel room. It was heavenly!

The next day we had a lovely, relaxing day checking out from the hotel, having a very leisurely lunch at a BBQ joint (my choice as Brad doesn't care for the super messy meals), waiting and waiting and waiting for our reserved whale watching tour to begin. So the above picture of me lounging about with a large smile on my face is down in history. Yes, it possible to be completely relaxed. It hasn't happened in a while.

The love of my life. The force that keeps me sane and protects me from myself.

A Titanic moment. I'm flying!

We saw a small pod of orcas while we were out. It was very exciting seeing them outside of a SeaWorld environment. I did, however, recently watch "Frozen Planet" and was quite creeped out learning how these killer whales will communicate with each other and hunt as a pack. I told Brad that it was great seeing them out there, but they all started swimming towards the boat I was going to use him as my shield. That's what he's there for, right? Protection?

Here we are. The very happy and very relaxed couple.

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