Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dirty Truth

I used to keep my house really clean. Then I started homeschooling. Then we had Simon. Then I began to get frustrated. Now I've given up. The house wins. So, in honor of Melissa Gallagher, who said this on my facebook page:  A wise woman once told me not to look at the "messess" we see as horrible but "beautiful messes" because it is a reminder of how blessed we are to have children, a home and a spouse.....she actually encourages women to take pictures of them just to remind them of how blessed they really are:) xoxo

So here it is. Think you're the only one who has a mess and feels like a mess because of the mess? Here's my house.

This counter has been doctored a little bit. I had already done a bit of dishes. There were black beans and garbonzo beans that had to be put in the freezer.  

Why there are always Legos on the floor when no is playing Legos on the floor beats me, but that's the way it always is. Brad used to look around after a grumble from me about how much work I still have to do and he'd say, "What? It looks fine." Now? He starts cleaning the house! That's how bad it gets on a daily basis! I sometimes get so overwhelmed with where to start on the house that I don't start at all. Today I laid down on the floor and wrestled with Simon for a good ten minutes.  But here's the thing of it. The Bless Mess, which is what I might start calling my negligence, is just the way it is. I'm out at parks and museums. I'm drilling Kaeley in math and spelling. I'm doing my best to make healthy meals for the family. My goodness, am I flawed. I might have been fired long ago if this was a paid position. And yet here we are, a thriving, flawed, and beautiful family. We love our Lord Jesus Christ. Our house is a mess mostly because of me, and yet life goes on. And that's the truth of the matter. 

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