Friday, July 27, 2012

Lego Metropolis

The kids are living and breathing Legos right now. About a month ago I set up a folding table in the playroom for their creations. This is Kaeley's side of the table. Nathan's side is a pile of broken projects as he tears his pieces apart to make new airplanes, cars, and guns. The above is a row of ducks. 
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This is Subway. It's the only restaurant in the city.

This is a storage room.

Kaeley's newest creation after reading "The Lego Idea Book".

I was trying to take a picture of a one-legged man when Simon reached up and grabbed a duck.

Here's the one-legged man. Kaeley says she doesn't know what happened to him, but those are the only pants she could find for him. I should ask him if he's been to the storage room.

Bird's eye view of the city. Simon grabs another duck. Now there are no more ducks in a row.

I think this is their Yogurtland, because in our view what's a city without a Yogurtland? For that matter we also think, "What's a week without Yogurtland?"

And not only is there a Subway next to the church and a storage room for the one-legged man, but their Subway is protected by Batman and Robin. Because what's a city with Batman and Robin?

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