Saturday, July 28, 2012

Travel Town with Friends

Yesterday we spent an hour on the way to Travel Town, three hours at Travel Town, and another full hour driving back home. It was a lot of driving. I couldn't even remember the last time we went to Travel Town! It was a lot of fun. Simon was fascinated by the large structures in any form. He was always holding a matchbox train, climbing into a real train, staring at a parked train, or yelling to ride on the miniature train. I have lots of pictures of Kaeley's devotion to Simon, because it just warms my heart.

I had dressed Simon in an overall and onesie. In the morning he saw me picking out clothes for Nathan. He went crazy trying to get to this shirt, which is indeed Nathan's shirt. Once I finally put it on him he walked happily out of the room and wore the shirt almost all day long.

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