Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's Up, Duck?

There is a little board book of opposites called "What's Up, Duck?" There is something about this book that just captivates Simon. When he finds the book he will follow Kaeley or me around the house until we read to him. He'll sit there through three or four readings. This time Nathan read it to him. :) I had put Simon in the playroom hoping to distract him so I could keep cleaning the disaster this is our house. It was a lovely surprise to hear Nathan's voice ring out, "Fast... slow. Front... back. Heavy... " I peaked in and sure enough he was "reading" the book out loud to Simon. He doesn't know how to read, but we've read the book enough that he can look figure things out. 
He read for a little bit. Then he obviously laid down on the floor, which Simon never can seem to resist.

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