Sunday, July 1, 2012

Small Pleasures

Friday I spent at home cleaning. The house was bad. I mean bad. It was so bad I had the kids help me clean a room and then I'd turn on a Muppets Show episode for them. Then they'd help me clean a room and then they'd watch another episode. I mean the house was bad. For lunch we tried a new recipe, which was a hit, and made blueberry smoothies with chia seeds. Kaeley and I had finished reading "Treasure Island" the day before, so I turned on the movie as a special treat. And I hardly EVER let them eat lunch in front of the television, but have I mentioned the house was... yeah. So we watched "Treasure Island". 
Too cute, right? I like the "Got Blueberry Smoothie" lips. :)

I can't decide what's better: Alynna's purple mouth or the two older kids in complete suspense.
I make a lot of mistakes as a parent, but I feel good that Disney's Treasure Island can creep out my five year old and the eight year old is on the edge of her seat.
Small pleasures. I've learned to claim them when I can!

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