Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Little Stinker

Don't let this cute little face fool you! When I was taking a picture of his handsome little face Brad was putting a diaper on him... again. Brad had already put a diaper on Simon's little tush not ten minutes before. He was all fresh and bushy-tailed after his nap. He was walking around the house with his sippy cup happily seeking out family members and sharing in their fun activities. He walked onto the porch, which he often enjoys doing, and looked around happily. I was watching him from my seat thinking how cute his little body was when all of a sudden Simon peed on the floor! I jumped up in surprise asking Brad, "Didn't you put a diaper on him?" I had just seen Brad change Simon's diaper! He said of course he had put a diaper on him. Well, no diaper was to be seen. The boy was walking around commando. He seemed very pleased with himself. I changed his clothes. The older kids, especially Alynna, were horrified that he would pee on the floor. She would stand over the puddle and just say, "Yuck!" over and over again. We were all quite perplexed. Brad began to question whether or not he actually had put a diaper back on. That's when Alynna found it... a pile of more than pee on the kitchen floor. (No wonder there's bacteria on the floor! I'm surprised we're not all dead yet!) We sent all the horrified-even-more children to the playroom as we cleaned and questioned Brad's sanity. Simon just walked around happily drinking his water. Brad put a diaper on the boy, made a joke about duct tape, dressed him in a snug fitting oneside and a pair or shorts for good measure. I later found the slightly wet diaper in the hallway under a book. 

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