Saturday, January 12, 2013

Family Trip to Island's

Shortly after Christmas the whole family went to Island's (thanks, Mom and Dad Saavedra!). Look at those still blue eyes!

Here's the brown-eyed club.

Alynna was good enough to take our picture. Not too bad either, I have to say.

After our big lunch we went shopping the after-Christmas sales. I was able to update Kaeley's winter wardrobe and find a long-sleeved shirt with a train on it for Simon. I spent about $50.00 on like 8 pieces or something.
After the mall Brad took the kids home and I went to Starbuck's to write... tried to write. I came home refreshed, but a bit frustrated at my non-pouring-out writing, and found Brad cleaning up Nathan's vomit. (This was several weeks ago, so don't worry, we're not sick yet again!) Then Brad lay down, because he wasn't feeling too well either. Later Alynna puked all over her new bathrobe, house shoes, and Christmas toys. How did I deal with it, you might ask? I posted a complaint on Facebook. Don't all good mothers do that?

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