Saturday, January 12, 2013

Los Angeles Farmers Market

This time the shout-out of thanks goes to Mom and Dad Clore! They usually send money for Christmas and part of it always funds a trip to the Los Angeles Farmers Market. Here's a picture of Alynna with her new 'do. 

I am attempting to eat more vegan more than not while not going crazy about it or turning it into a religion. This first day of January I was very proud of myself for finding a "vegan" looking plate at an Asian stand. It had veggie rice rolls, bean sprouts, and seaweed salad. It wasn't until I was half way done with the plate that I shared a roll with Kaeley. She said it was good and what were those yellow things... eggs? Oh. Why, yes, those would eggs. Darn.

The Grove had a Hobbit exhibit, which we crazy fans of the Hobbit had to go in to see. The kids and I read through The Hobbit in the month of December and Brad, Kaeley, and I went to see the movie over the break as well. Here Brad and Nathan are ogling Gandalf's wizard staff.


Alynna wanted to bring the doll stroller with her. Well, how can you say no to an adorable four year old who wants to be just like Mommy with her baby? Next time the "no" will come quite easily. NO! That darn stroller ran into my heels, strangers' heels, walls, got stuck in chairs... no.

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