Monday, March 4, 2013

Nathan's Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color? Blue. (Daddy shouts out that the answer is pink! Nathan is very unhappy with the color pink being suggested as his favorite color. The outrage!)
What is your favorite food? Ooh… hamburger! (He whispers in almost reverence, but when I ask why he’s whispering he tells me it’s because he doesn’t want Daddy to know the answers.)
Who do you like better? Mommy or Daddy? (An answer was implied too quickly for me to assure him I was just joking. That answer is now classified and appropriate for my eyes only.)
What is your favorite activity? Building Legos. What do you like to build? My imagination. (His very helpful father says, “Did I hear you say water filtration?”)
What is your favorite toy? Legos.
What is your favorite book? Comic books.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Mexico. What would you do in Mexico? I could a job and then go home and give you the money. (Seems to me he’s a bit backwards on his logic there, but the answer theoretically involves me getting money, so I’ll just keep quiet.)
What do you think you’re good at? Spaceships. (Nathan I obviously in his “lego box”.)
What are you not so good at? Doing really tricky puzzles.
What would you like to do when you grow up? Find a job. But what kind of job would you do? A worker. (After some help from Brad Nathan answers.) Someone who builds houses.
Do you think you might get married? Of course!
How many children would you like to have once you’re married? Two, because I don’t want a lot.
What is your favorite thing about God? That He heals us and He’s the one that we believe in!
Can you explain the trinity? What is trinity? (I give the basic idea behind the trinity and then ask the question again.) Because they’re called different names! (The basic idea of a trinity is once again offered.) Because He can transform His-self in a different god too. (Okay. I’ll take it!)

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