Thursday, March 28, 2013

Simon is Two Years Old!

This is how cool Simon is - he doesn't even need to pose. He just lounges.
Now I was going to have a birthday interview with him, but I figured all answers would be one of three choices: Mom-me! Go-go (his word for train). Or some form of "Uh?"
I'll be presumptuous and fill you in on his likes and dislikes.

Favorite Foods: all junk food, especially french fries. He would eat entire meals of oranges (if he can spit out the skins), strawberries, and dry peanut butter cereal. Turns out he can tolerate broccoli as long as there's enough hummus to cover the tops.
Favorite Toy: If the toy has wheels than he's happy. His favorite wheeled vehicle, by far, is the train. I mean crazy obsessed! He will search his closet for the train-clad shirt or pajama set.
Favorite Book: Dr. Seuss's ABC, Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo, Little Golden Books Cars and Trucks.
What He Wants To Be When He Grows Up: He's thinking of becoming Mommy's free janitor to make up for all the messes he's made.
His Favorite Past Time: Doing whatever Kaeley is doing. Saying, "Mom-me. Mom-me. Mom-me" over and over and over and...

Now look behind him and notice the poor teddy bear. My grandparents sent me that bear when I was six. He was beautiful. He sat up by himself, his fur was shiny, his eyes gleamed in happiness, and his smile was bright. Now? He's ready for retirement. I think I'm ready to enjoy the pictures of Brownie, kiss him, and say good-bye. I'm getting sentimental just thinking about getting rid of him. Looking at him slump in the corner just now is pathetic. He looks more like a grumpy pile of mud rather than a lovely large teddy bear. Poor Brownie. I love you. It's been a good many years together.
For Simon's birthday we had chewy pot roast (which later was salvaged in the pressure cooker) cooked vegetables, and burnt french bread. The dinner was less than stellar. However, my favorite carrot cake recipe turned out just right! Moist to perfection!

I bought the original collection of Thomas the Tank Engine on Amazon. I could see the cover, but I could not see the depth of this book. Wowzers! He unwrapped the book, tried taking it off the table, and was instantly pulled to the floor by its weight! It's a very sweet book, and it's actually a good workout for those holding it up and reading it.

His big present from us was his new car. This family is going to promote itself to being stroller-free! He loved his car. I was so excited about this present. I've been thinking about getting one of these for the past year! Tuesday we were finally able to use it for the first time. The young prince got pushed to Wilson Park. He sat there like a little Rajah. We parked the car. He got out, walked two steps, and boarded a blue car exactly like his. He has a bright and shiny new car and he has to sit in someone else's car.

He is finally a fantastic sleeper! I can put him in his bed, even if his siblings are in the room, and he will fall asleep with no crying or getting out of bed! He even takes naps longer than one hour! Odd little tidbit is he's the only child I've had that sleeps with his eyes open. It's kind of creepy sometimes. Nathan recently pointed to him and said, "Oh, Simon is waking up!" Nope. He was just sleeping with his eyes half open.

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