Our first little stroll was in the Dogwood Campgrounds. I think we took one trail and met up with another one by accident, but no one got lost so it's all good. |
Kaeley's choice of a photo-op. |
My favorite person in the entire world. He did lose a few points posting that silly picture of me scowling as his facebook banner. It's a good thing he was already way ahead in the points arena. |
They make a good pair. One walks and one, theoretically, uses the walking stick. Instead Brad got hit in the back of the neck a few too many times. |
I was trying to take a picture of the beautiful sight around me, but Simon, who was being held by Brad, photo bombed my picture... |
Twice. |
It turns out Brad was right. The sight was much more beautiful with that little boy in the frame. |
Speaking of treasure - Simon's first attempt to catch his own ladybug. They would always fly away quickly and he would be left alone whining, "Way. Way!" (They flew away!) |
To some ladybug's great misfortune Big Sister (Mimi he calls her) placed a caught insect directly into his hand. He held onto that little bug for a good long time. |
Mountain Lilac. |
If I could bottle-and-jar up experiences to relive when the kids are up and out I would have to save that precious feeling of little arms stretching around my neck. How I love that! |
After a few brainstorm sessions on why the campground was called Dogwood we finally found our answer. Ta da! This blooming tree is the Dogwood Tree, which blooms in May. |
All the white behind the three master posers are Dogwoods. |
Down one path there were animal tracks cemented into the walk way. You were supposed to guess what animal had left its mark. Simon, as you can see, took this game very seriously. |
After the beautiful Arboretum we drove to Lake Arrowhead. We walked the boardwalk, pet dogs, and window shopped. |
Besides, who needs a new toy when you can find a pet maggot? This boy was so very pleased with this find it was ridiculous. He carried it around with him every where. |
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