Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dogwood Camping, Day 3

It's a good thing we went to the lake while we could, because the temperature dropped on Saturday  to more low 70's. We decided to enjoy more hikes this day. We were a bit limited this year in our ability to do any real hiking or long walks, because the kids still have pretty short legs and Alynna was dealing with a low-grade, but uncomfortable, stomach bug.
Our first little stroll was in the Dogwood Campgrounds. I think we took one trail and met up with another one by accident, but no one got lost so it's all good.

Kaeley's choice of a photo-op.

Ah, a boy and his net. Nathan is all about catching bugs. Too bad there was but one lone butterfly on the mountain while we were there and it flew pretty high as to escape the hunter. We brought those two things everywhere. I'm sure the termites and large black ants already trapped inside were quite sea sick by the time we got back to camp.

My favorite person in the entire world. He did lose a few points posting that silly picture of me scowling as his facebook banner. It's a good thing he was already way ahead in the points arena.

They make a good pair. One walks and one, theoretically, uses the walking stick. Instead Brad got hit in the back of the neck a few too many times.

After lunch we drove up the mountain a little ways to visit the Children's Forest. About fifteen minutes into the drive we read it didn't open until May 26th. Back down we went.
Instead we decided to go into the Arboretum. That was pretty fun. The kids were incredibly antsy, and all but Alynna ended up acting quite crazy on the walk until they were yelled at about the danger of sticks and falling off mountains.

See what I mean? The big game of the moment was playing Star Wars with sticks. Even the two year old had a great time making the sound effect to match the stick-thrashing. No one lost an eye, so again I have to say, "It's all good."

Poor Alynna. Her little stomach was just not right for several days. Here she's very happy, because she found "crystal". The granite in the area had little specks of glitter, so the children thought they were finding treasure right out in the open. It was a child's paradise. 

I was trying to take a picture of the beautiful sight around me, but Simon, who was being held by Brad, photo bombed my picture...


It turns out Brad was right. The sight was much more beautiful with that little boy in the frame.

Speaking of treasure - Simon's first attempt to catch his own ladybug. They would always fly away quickly and he would be left alone whining, "Way. Way!" (They flew away!)

To some ladybug's great misfortune Big Sister (Mimi he calls her) placed a caught insect directly into his hand. He held onto that little bug for a good long time. 

Mountain Lilac.

If I could bottle-and-jar up experiences to relive when the kids are up and out I would have to save that precious feeling of little arms stretching around my neck. How I love that!

After a few brainstorm sessions on why the campground was called Dogwood we finally found our answer. Ta da! This blooming tree is the Dogwood Tree, which blooms in May.

All the white behind the three master posers are Dogwoods.

Down one path there were animal tracks cemented into the walk way. You were supposed to guess what animal had left its mark. Simon, as you can see, took this game very seriously.

After the beautiful Arboretum we drove to Lake Arrowhead. We walked the boardwalk, pet dogs, and window shopped.

Can I tell you how much constraint it took not to buy a metal Star Wars lunch box for Simon? "Well," you think, "It's only ten dollars." Then you remember all the other toys in your house and see three other children finding toys they love. Ten times four. Okay. We can live without the box.

Besides, who needs a new toy when you can find a pet maggot? This boy was so very pleased with this find it was ridiculous. He carried it around with him every where.

It was already cooler day, but when the set began to set the wind picked up. Oh my goodness, was it ever cold! This is Alynna. She wanted to hang out with us by the fire, but was only happy underneath the blanket. I ended up sitting inside my sleeping bag with Simon until I couldn't stand it anymore. Brad and Nathan braced the cold to finish out the fire while Simon, the girls, and I went into the tent. We didn't brush teeth, change pajamas, or anything! We just got into our sleeping bags and cuddled until we were warm and it was time to sleep.
All night long I heard the wind whip through the trees. It sounded like we were camped near the ocean.

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