Friday, May 10, 2013

Dogwood Camping, Day 4

Sunday morning was just as cold as it was the night before. It was foggy, wet, and windy. There was a small chance of rain and when Brad and I finally rolled out off the blow-up mattress we were on-mission and we BOOKED it like we never had before to break down the camp site! The kids ate a very messy breakfast of cereal in the tent. Simon was drenched in milk. :) Once we were packed up and driving away we saw the car was registering the temperature at 38 degrees, not accounting for the wind.
I am now ready to pack for our next trip - one wardrobe for summer weather and one wardrobe for the North Pole.
(Thirty-eight degrees equals the North Pole? Please remember that I live in the South Bay and we experience spring and autumn temperatures nearly all year long. North Pole, people.)

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