Thursday, June 13, 2013

San Antonio's Children's Museum

Friday, the beginning of the torrential rains, we ventured into the beautiful old-town San Antonio area to visit the San Antonio Children's Museum. It was recommended to me by a friend who had been there years before. Wow, was I glad we went! This is one of the best children's museums I've visited! It was huge! Tons to do. We could have been there from open to close and not been bored once.

Simon kept getting knocked down by large school groups, and we sought refuge in the toddler's area. 

There was something about his little naked toes and diaper sticking out of his shorts that I just had to capture and savor.

In one corner was an old general store. Kaeley loves organizing store shelves, so she literally ran into the store and made the shelves beautiful.

Another corner was dedicated to plastic balls and shoots. A child could take a plastic ball and stick it in one of countless shoots or games that all lead to a large collection area. Once this area, a claw, filled up it would empty itself out and drop balls all over the children. It was every boy's dream.

Downstairs was a large play grocery store complete with shopping carts, goods to buy, touch-screen cashier area, and beeping scanner. The kids played there for a good hour, I think, before we pulled them out. 

Here the boys are waiting for the claw to open.

This shoot blew out air. The goal was to use the air to guide a ball into a basket hooked to the wall. Well, why play with balls when you blow-dry your hair?

I was tempted to have her pose like Marilyn Monroe, but I though it would be a bit inappropriate.

The poor boy fell face forward down a small slope of dirt the day before, so not only did he have his still-healing crush wound, but now had two new scrapes and a bright red nose. My sensitive dad and I would often call him "Rudolph"

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