Thursday, July 11, 2013

The River Walk

My parents have been proclaiming the beauty of the River Walk since they're arrival in San Antonio more than a year ago. One night, after dinner, they drove all of us there to see the wonders for ourselves.
The kids and I had a marvelous time, but I don't think it was quite what my parents were used to. The route they take is a good two or something miles. I think we walked half a mile ??? in double the time. It does take talent and practice, people, so don't try to do it yourself without training. But what with little legs and two relentless bug catches there wasn't much I could do without some good leashes and skateboards.
Simon was quite fascinated by the pretty fish.

See Alynna having to run to keep up with us? Catch a bug, watch the bug, play with the bug, realize no one else is around you, and start running! Once you're caught up with the family catch a bug, watch the bug...

Catch a bug...

I was surprised with the amount of wildlife Nathan was able to find along the man-made river walk. They caught ladybugs, rolly pollies, earthworms, and a frog.

The night or two later, after spending a day in the house, my mom took just me and Simon in the stroller to the River Walk. We walked the route that she and my dad usually take and did it feel ever good to pump the pavement! I forget what it's like to exercise with so many short bug catches around me.

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