Saturday, July 6, 2013

San Antonio Zoo

One of my favorite outings in Texas was the San Antonio Zoo. It was quite a large zoo, but felt small. It was an all-American typical zoo you might find pictured in children's books with painted green banisters and round exhibits. I'll put in an anti-plug for the Los Angeles Zoo. It was nothing like the Los Angeles Zoo.
Kaeley insisted on taking a picture with every statue that popped up within our path.

The butterfly house was a fun exhibit. Nathan ran around practically screaming in excitement at all he was learning and seeing. I got a big kick from this series of pictures. Here Simon is rather bored. He doesn't see that a butterfly has landed on Papi's hand.

Now he sees that something interesting is right under his nose.

Now he's so fascinated with the happenings that's he's almost slipping off Papi's shoulders!

My lovely Kaeley quietly soaked in her magical surroundings. Butterflies seemed to really like her colorful bathing suit.

I don't think they understood the idea behind  magnifying glasses.

One of the most amazing exhibits ever. Very active hippos.

By the end of the trip all the kids were seriously drooping. I finally broke down and spent a ridiculous amount on four natural Popsicles. If someone doesn't get to go to college we'll blame it on this purchase. But overall they gave the kids one last needed pick-me-up.

There is a train outside the zoo, so my parents treated us on a train ride around the park.

We were all tired after such a great outing. I think two of the kids fell asleep on the relaxing trip.

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