Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Seahorse Soccer Camp

When Nathan was four we signed him up for AYSO soccer. It turned out to be more of a "daddy-and-me" class at that age rather than an actual soccer practice with weekly game. It was a nice way to test the waters out and it was an easy and inexpensive way to learn that Nathan just wan't ready for sports. He spent most of the "practice" playing with his orange vest, playing with other's orange vests, asking if it was snack time yet, and counting down the minutes for it to be over so he could eat a special 7-Eleven hot dog with Daddy. And that was the last of his experience with sports. Well, that's not true. He had one class of golf last fall, in which he spent much time making friends with the other six year old in the class, being told by his teacher to stop talking, and waiting his turn to swing at the golf ball.
This year we ventured out once again and signed him up for Seahorse Soccer Camp. It was a Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 1:00pm type of deal. While his attention span has increased his natural personality to socialize and make friends with coaches has certainly not decreased. It was a fun adventure for Nathan into sports and "big boy" activities all by his lonesome. It was a fun parenting experience for me to see him dig his heels into his sweet personality and while much more mature since that last four year old weekend practice, he remains very much the same little heart.
These coaches were just made to be around children all day. Each one was generous, playful, gracious, etc. I was blown-away. Here Coach "Frenchie" plays with the two girls, who weren't even attending the camp, and the little boy who would throw himself into the pile of soccer balls like they were a ball pit.
So the story behind the little pantless one. He was showing some signs of being ready to potty train a week or so before camp ensued, which is why he was in nothing by undies when we were home. First day of camp I was running a bit frantically late. I was helping Nathan into his tennis shoes when the three other children all rushed out the door. "Note to self... grab Simon's pants from the couch behind you as you run out the door." I said to self. Kaeley came in tentatively saying, "Um, Mommy..." I quickly answered, "Yes, I know. I'm bringing pants down with me." She said okay and walked out the front door. Nathan and I ran out the door... with no pants.
But he has a light-saber, so it's all good.
So I sign Nathan in, I pat his fuzzy head, look the other way, and when I go back to pat the fuzz... he's gone. He was already way out on the field playing with his two buddies from church and school.
And that was the last I saw of him. He spent the rest of the meet-and-greet time inviting himself into other games with complete strangers. I love his confidence and innocence. (I still pray, however, that no stranger asks him to get in the car in order to help find a lost kitten.)
And while I listened to the coaches introduce themselves to the group of fifty or so kids Simon was still pantless in the soccer field looking for more ball pits.
Remember the orange vests? While he didn't have an orange vest for the closing ceremonies he did make good use of his gray soccer shirt. The entire time the coach introduced the team and explained what they had been working on Nathan played with the shirt sleeves. He put his hands inside. He put his hands in his armpits. He tried to see if he could fit like a pretzel inside his shirt.

The entire time.
However, the team had made up a little cheer and Nathan was the loudest to shout it out. It was something about Ninjas. I think they were supposed to end the cheer in a Ninja pose.
Nathan was the only team mate to end in a Ninja pose.

And he stayed in that pose until he was called off the field.

And here he is still playing with his sleeves. :)

They were always days well spent.

Simon golfing. Me thinks he is sports confused.

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