Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I realized last night that I very much miss writing just for the fun of it on the family blog, so here I am. I am about to chronicle a day of nothingness, which adds up to a lifetime of memories after a time. I just want to write. I just want to laugh about what we did today. And that's all I want to do. If not one soul reads this I will be satisfied that I have done something just for the sheer fun of it.

Today I slept until 7:00am! Usually by 7:00am I'm at least dressed and make-up is applied and breakfast is at least in the process of being put out. Not this morning. I wasn't able to sleep until hours past my bedtime last night, ended up sleeping on the couch listening to my favorite sermon series, and woke just minutes before Simon came running up asking for his daily fix of Cheerios. And you know what, starting a good hour later than I usually did... did almost nothing to my routine in the long run.
My friend, Rosie Banda, came to cut my hair, trim Alynna's hair, and ruin Kaeley's life by following the mother's request to cut it short. Kaeley likes the idea of long hair, but doesn't quite follow up with maintenance... ever. Ever way too many, "Start brushing your hair or else..." it was finally time. There were tears, a rest on a comfortable bunk bed, and a refusal to take a picture of it. The style is very cute... if you like shorter hair. It's super cute. I want to think it will grow on her, but I have a feeling she will grow it out to still not brush it until her mother tells her to. Oh well. I enjoy my bangs. Alynna enjoys her trim. And Nathan, as you can probably tell from the picture of him photo bombing, very much needs a haircut, but has to wait until the weekend.
After Rosie left it was lunch time. The day continued on as usual. I have been outside to put clothes in the washing machine. And you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm okay that most of my children have not stepped foot outside of the house. I'm okay with the fact that Kaeley and Nathan, while on a good patch, laughed over screaming, "Jinks" at each other over and over again until my ears almost rang. I'm okay that I'm "behind" on my chores. I'm okay that I'm behind and deprived of the sun, because I'm refreshed in the mess and the nothingness.
I can't say I'm quite okay with the playroom.

I did make cookies (and there are some left, so that's a big pat on my shoulder if I do say so myself). I made banana ice cream for snack that no one seems to like. I packaged up, FINALLY, the Box Tops for our homeschool academy and need to get that in the mail this week. I was planning on working out to my Denise Austin workout video for the third day in the row, but the fact that I've groaned every time I sat down or got up convinced me that I can take the day off.
So there you have it. A day of almost nothingness, but I'm okay with it and I actually wrote about nothing! And that makes my heart happy.

1 comment:

Brian! said...

I'm going to be all UP in this Blog!

. . .

That's what the gangsters say, right? All up in this?

. . . I need to add some street cred to this, you know? Figure out what the kids nowadays are saying.