Monday, October 28, 2013


Remember the mention of dishes waiting. Yeah. Sure it could be worse, but I think the sight I woke up to was a good-enough start. 

After about forty minutes of cleaning, scrubbing, putting away, etc I was left with a clean counter and the beginning of lunches for the next day. And guess what the counter looks like again today? Not totally as messy as before, but pretty close.

As it turns out two year olds can apply their sister's dress-up make-up (I totally could have said "make-up", but I felt I would be judged considering the said sisters are five and nine. Excuse me as I fix that to sound like a totally capable, somewhat confident mother...) As it turns out two year olds can apply their sister's make-up in about forty minutes as well.

I was tempted to bag up all clothes as "dirty" but that would have been cheating.
The after.
Brad got a new app on his iPad, so he was the children's current favorite parent.

Later in the day I took the three youngest children to a Halloween costume party. Simon is just a happy guy when he has a light saber in hand and is dressed up as the villain who works to destroy all things good even it includes his children. What can I say, I very much encourage the children to choose role models. 

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