Sunday, November 10, 2013

On a Jet Plane

My parents live in San Antonio, Texas. My dad is a teacher, so has limited time to take off for trips. Well, the chance of a lifetime came and they offered to fly the three older kids to Texas to visit them!
On Friday afternoon we packed them up and headed out to LAX.
I wanted to get there in plenty of time to handle bags and papers and little legs and all that. Boy, did I get my wish! Not only did we get there a bit too early for just a regular trip, but their plane was an hour late! Thankfully I had made the kids lunches and Brad and I had both brought iPads.
However, first, I am happy to report TSA is doing a great job. They got us through fast and with little incident. There was a short side note about a certain forgotten pocket-knife in some lady's purse. It was voluntarily surrendered and we said good-bye to a fifteen year old pocket-knife rarely used. I now... ahem... know what to buy Brad for a replacement Christmas present... ahem.
Also, when asked her name by the TSA agent checking paper work, Alynna piped up happily, "Alynna! A-L-Y-N-N-A!" Next was Nathan, so he walked up saying, "Nathan! N-A-H-T-A-N! I'm six and a half!" I stood in the background cringing. Please don't tell people you're six and a half after spelling your name wrong!

Finally, after a good two hours of waiting, we walked to the front of the line to board the only unaccompanied minors. A wonderful Southwest employee asked their names. Thankfully no one felt the need to spell their name. Then they were asked where they were going. "Texas," somebody answered. "Okay, great. Where in Texas are you going?" Nathan, my six and a half year old, answered, "To the very heart!" Deep in the heart of Texas. Okay.
When asked the name of the person they were meeting Alynna said her name was Grannie.
We said our good-byes. Brad threatened each with their life if they didn't listen to Kaeley or the flight attendants. I teared up only a little as I watched them walk confidently down the ramp and into the airplane.

Simon took the departure well. He did cry for a little bit, "I want you, Mimi! I want you, Sissy!" But he was overall good to go. He did much better than I had expected.

And off they went.
It was a very strange feeling - watching three small children I'm used to being around at almost all times of the day, fly off without me. They arrived safely with reports from the flight attendants of being "very entertaining". When hearing this Brad and I both thought, "I wonder what he said."

PS. Simon was doing well, tired and left-behind as he was, until we dropped Brad off at his work. I guess at that point Simon couldn't handle any more rejection. He cried for a good ten minutes as I drove home, "I want Daddy! I want mine daddy!" However, Mommy likes Taco Bell, so it didn't take long for the tears to stop.
PSS. Simon dropped off his siblings and hasn't looked back. He's watched two full Star Wars movies, has been taken out  to eat once, and has full attention of two parents soaking up the quiet life. He might have missed out on the adventure of a lifetime, but he doesn't seem to be complaining.

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