Friday, December 20, 2013

Visiting the Christmas Lights

An every year tradition come rain or shine we visit the area of town drenched in Christmas lights. We have pictures of Kaeley as a four year old and Nathan being carried in a pouch. And as our family has grown and changed so has the Christmas light district. Now there are families posted on corners selling hot chocolate and churros and other goodies. Last year we had stopped at a booth and I almost squealed, "Hot chocolate for a dollar?!? I could buy an entire box of hot chocolate for a dollar!" When the churros were revealed as being three dollars a piece I almost thought we were at Disneyland.
So my solution? Spending four dollars on hot chocolate and memories? Heck no! I made two large jars of hot chocolate, Brad brought some paper cups, and I popped four large bags of popcorn and brought it all to the district.
While I might be tempted to call myself "cheap" a friend of mine had the generosity to call me "planning ahead", so I'm going to go with that.

Simon had a good time "driving" around and pointing and yelling, "You see that one, Mommy! You see that!" Or screaming, "Jingle all da way!" He was very festive.

I had many pictures of Simon seeing as he was right under my nose. I was lucky enough to get one of Nathan as he asked me to take his trash. Alynna was not in the picture-taking mood and promptly hid whenever a shutter was pointed her direction. Kaeley, the ever growing young lady, spent the entire time either way in front of our group or way behind as she chatted with her BFF. So while our scrapbooks seem to heavily favor a particular short child we are honestly just a victim of growing and opinionated children and in that we rejoice... and continue sneaking in what pictures we can.

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