Friday, January 24, 2014


Monday was horridly discouraging.
Tuesday was a lovely adventure.
Wednesday was horribly frustrating.
Thursday was another lovely adventure.

Today I woke up just early enough to take a shower and get a good start on my daily Bible study. I saved money on food and clean-up as no one was interested in trying pumpkin oatmeal, so I ate breakfast while the children worked on their math. I lowered my expectations on skill levels, and as it turns out, life is much prettier when not seen through the lenses of "should". I even had spurts of time that allowed for productivity outside of school-time. School was finished. Lunch was eaten, and a lot of it too, seeing as how they were all quite hungry. Another quick burst of crossing bite-sized morsels off the ever growing to-do list. Therapy. Hope.
The house is not quite tidy, but it's not quite drowning-level either, so we'll just call it even. Kaeley helped Alynna with her reading and then all the children squeezed onto Kaeley's lower bunk bed to listen to her reading "Robin Hood". Half of school is over. The rest of what lies ahead includes chapter books and blankets and couches and living in another world in another time. Bellies are full. Ministries and my soul's nourishment has been tended to.
Then I texted Brad and added the above picture asking why I had never read the large purple words "unsalted" or even seen the large crossed-out salt shaker. After buying this particular brand of chips now at least three times I finally realized why I didn't like those chips!

Monday was horridly discouraging.
Tuesday was a lovely adventure.
Wednesday was horribly frustrating.
Thursday was another lovely day.
Friday was a sigh of contentment.

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