Sunday, March 30, 2014

Simon's Birthday Interview

Please state your name and address for the record. The recently turned three-year old sits on the dining room chair with a Popsicle in his hand. He looks at me. He blinks. There is purple smoothie smudged on his chin and I'm impressed it's not on his beautiful white button-up shirt. He hums, "Uh huh." What is your name? Fimon Pief Translation: Simon Chief. It's really Simon James Saavedra, but for now I'll let him believe his name is Fimon Pief. What's your middle name? No! Fimon Pief! How old are you? I want to be Fimon Pief! Fimon Pief. He has just raised his voice to me, so I'm going to move on. Mental note: It's time to begin consistent discipline for Mr. Rude Pants.

What is your favorite color? Umm... red and geen.

What is your favorite food? Cereal! What kind of cereal? Like bran flakes? No, cereal! You mean Cheerios? Cheerios. Like this is red? He is flopping around the living room in our black house shoes and holding a red and green broom. I think I might be losing him.

What is your favorite movie? Umm... I wuv go-goes. Translation: I love trains. He is now flopping his way outside to help Alynna sweep the patio.

Come here! No! I gonna go outside. Translation: This interview is over! Great.

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