Friday, March 21, 2014

The Getty

Yesterday the kids and I went to The Getty. I hadn't been there in years and the kids had never been there before, so I was slightly excited and slightly nervous. Four children with one mother around precious antiquities is either very do able or very stupid. It turns out to quite do able.
We paid $15.00 at the door for parking and the rest, including the tram up the hill and the audio tour, was free! At that price I can't wait to go again!
Kaeley and I were both impressed at the enormity of the grounds and the art of the building and gardens. The three younger ones were thrilled to see water fountains everywhere and during lunch we all day dreamed about possibly owning The Getty and closing it down during the summer so we could play in the fountains when it got hot. I am thrilled, and relieved, beyond words that I didn't have a child go rogue and jump into a nearby fountain! I'm just going to say through experience that I am very relieved. So relieved.
We all enjoyed the free audio tour. Nathan and Kaeley especially would walk around and around a piece and inspect every detail until the commentary was over.
And some patrons just enjoyed pushing buttons.
Every time we passed a statue of Mercury or Venus or someone else myth-based Nathan would point and confidently (translate nearly shout), "That's a false god! That is not the one true God, Mommy!"
I think I must say the statues were my favorite. A few of the bust were so exquisite in detail I couldn't decide if I wanted to stroke their shapes or sit down and cry. They were breathtaking.
Kaeley and I also had a learning moment as we enjoyed the figure of full-figured women as art rather than the sticks we see in media today.
Here Nathan enjoys the children's room. He was nice enough to ask a worker if he had to take his shoes off before climbing into bed.
The Fab Four after lunch... dangerously near the fountains. Call me paranoid, but, again, I call myself experienced.
My ten year old is getting quite choosy as to when I'm allowed to take her pictures, so don't tell her she's on the family blog. Soon I'm just sure she'll disappear from this site in general and people will just assume I have three children. Here, however, I said I wouldn't feed her if she didn't smile for the picture. Call me strict, but I call it resourceful.
Just kidding.
Here's a photo bomb from Simon who loves taking pictures.
Where we ate our picnic lunch.
This might be one of my favorite paintings in the entire museum. The artist, in a time of dignity and pose, painted a self-portrait of him in a less than flattering pose. I think that might sum up my writing style.

Right before the kids, especially the two younger ones, tuckered out, we visited a hill perfect for rolling.
As you can see, Simon thoroughly enjoyed the grasses.

The Fab Four in the gardens right before Nathan decided to pick a bloom from the neighboring tree. My heart dropped. Paranoid, experienced... I don't want to talk about. Thankfully no body spotted us and the gardeners seemed to have less rules than the art docents.
Nathan is finally allowed to do a weird pose.

Our favorite parts? Janna - statues. Kaeley - everything. Nathan - audio tour. Alynna - nothing. Simon....


Sarah said...

I do love reading your blog. And I like the 2 Alynnas in the last pic!

Unknown said...

That sounds like a wonderful day!