Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Lost Pictures of Glamping

Too late to bed and too early to rise leaves the mother just a sleepy-head.
Packing and driving and unpacking the bag leaves the father a grumpy-pants with no patience for lags.

Our cabin was in a circle of other cabins and provided a perfect little lawn for the kids to run around in.

Here was the *perfect* glamping-it-up dinner!

The barista who made my chia tea frappuccino went a wee bit whipped-cream-happy. It was so dense it was almost... almost... too much to handle, but in this difficult life I've lived I've gotten used to "choking" things down.

Once our friends arrived with all the bikes and scooters and skateboards our boys particularly never left the wheels. Here Simon scoots his away across the road on a skateboard and Mommy nervously watches out for cars who can't see children the size of a grasshopper.

Dinner at the camp fire.

The near-seven-year old learning to skate.

Simon found a caterpillar crawling along the path. He pointed at the little critter with such focus that he ended up toppling over and getting a little raspberry on his forehead.

But the caterpillar was worth it and he never cried about his head.

No, Alynna did not learn how to ride a bike without training wheels. She just used her powers to say, "I'm cute and you know it," without using words.

And every night ended like this.

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