Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Arriving in Texas

May 16th the entire Saavedra family flew to San Antonio, Texas. I put emphasis on entire, because I have now flown several times with the children by myself and it was a very exciting thing that Brad was coming with us this time. It was quite the treat!
We arrived at the gate about ten minutes before we boarded, which was cutting it a little close. Don't do that if you are flying with a bunch of children. It puts the husband into "work mode" and things tend to get very serious. However, if your work-mode husband understands your love of Starbucks, he'll make the time. That was a good cup of coffee, I'm telling you, but was I surprised at the airport prices. I can't say it was quite worth it at almost five dollars for a small frappuccino, but I also can't say my morning would have been quite the same without it either. 
Due to seating in the plane the family had to split. Brad sat with the two oldest and I sat with the two youngest. The only other time I've flown with Brad was when Nathan was about ten months old. We once again had to split and he sat with Kaeley and I sat with a squirmy ten month old boy who needed a nap. I would scowl at Brad and Kaeley watching their movies and laughing peacefully several rows ahead of me. Then I've flown alone. Now I get to fly with my husband and who do I sit with? A hungry five year old and a three year old who needs a nap! I felt a little better later when I found out the ten year old was moody. I actually think I got the better deal there.
Simon got very squirmy, which is a symptom of sleepiness. After about five or ten minutes of extreme unhappiness he did fall asleep.
Here is Grumpy who refused to take a picture.
I have decided I don't particularly care for flying. But there's something about roaring engines and racing down a runway at ungodly speeds and trusting your life in the hands of a pilot and the weather thirty-thousand feet above the ground. Nope. I just didn't like it.
But all that to say we landed safely in San Antonio about three hours later. And there was the very beloved Grannie!
We just couldn't get enough of Grannie!

And there was Papi!
The kids couldn't have been happier about seeing their Grannie and Papi. Me? I was glad to see them too. And I was glad to be on the ground.

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