Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Grannie's House

I love being at my parents' home. I love how it feels, how it's decorated, how it smells. I love seeing the little trinkets that are steeped in history and memories. The kids love my parents' home too, and one of the reasons they love it is because Grannie makes the best tea!
I think there was an average of three pots a day made for the various family members staying at the house.

This is one of those pieces I talked about that is edged in great memories. It's a Peter Rabbit tea set my mom bought for me when I was Alynna's age. It was the perfect size when I was younger, but before I knew it the little cups held just about a gulp full of tea before being drained. It was then that the tea set was put safely on the shelf for later... for Kaeley, Nathan, Alynna, and Simon.

My beloved grandpa, who the kids call Pa, drove all the way from Florida to visit with the family while we were all in one place. What a deep seeded joy it was to see him again! I hadn't seen him in several years and Simon had yet to meet him. He stayed for about half our visit before driving back his home in Florida.

As you can tell, we all really love Pa.

So here's the little deal with our trip to Texas... the children slept at Grannie and Papi's home while the rest of us slep at a hotel in the area! Pa had his own room (was actually upgraded to a suite) and Brad and I were in a room (they didn't like us quite as much so we were not upgraded) a few floors down. The three of us had breakfast together every day that Pa was with us. And most nights Brad and I would say good-night to the kids around five or so and leave for a date! I had been day dreaming about margaritas by the River Walk since I learned of this awesome arrangement, so that's what we did that first night. The nachos were pretty good, but the margaritas were teeny tiny. Tasty, but teeny!

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