Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pedernalles Falls

The drive to Pedernalles Falls in a lovely one. It's one that makes this country heart yearn for mason jars and acreage and gardening. (Honestly, visiting the country seems to be bad for my overall well-being for that exact reason.) As you can see, Simon enjoyed the ride as well.
The walking down to the falls on his own two feet? Not so much.
Just keeping it real, people.
The beauty of the falls is dulled in this mediocre overview.
And look who got his way.

Kaeley received the life lesson on how to skip rocks.
They took the lesson very seriously.

Daddy still won every single time.

See the heart in the prickles?

Grannie and Pa sat up on the bank for several hours chatting. Pa is an excellent storyteller. The kids searched for lizards, made dams, and collected shells and rocks.

My introverted husband made friends, as he usually does, with complete strangers. He talked with our river neighbors for a good hour before coming up to the blanket. Now let me interject here that he and I have a differing opinion on the need for sunscreen. He insists Mexicans don't need sunscreen, because they just brown. Well, what was his souvenir from his hour long talk? Yep. Bright red sunburned shoulders.

Simon often insisted on sitting next to Pa. They were buddies.

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